People and Pets Cleaning Guides
How to Clean Every Dental Retainer
There’s lots of different retainers on the market, different brands, different materials. This guide will explain how to clean each and every one of them. How to Clean Invisalign Retainers If you ask Invisalign how to clean your retainer they will direct you to their online store, where you can purchase their special cleaning solutions. This includes overpriced cleaning “crystals” and “foam. A quick reddit…
How to Properly Clean and Protect Hands from Coronavirus
Reports from around the world say that stores are selling out of hand sanitizer. While hand sanitizer can be extremely helpful, it’s important to realize that the most important way to keep your hands clean is by washing them and ensuring that you do so correctly. Here is the information you need to ensure your hands are clean and the steps that can be taken…
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How to Clean Your Toothbrush
Allowing a toothbrush to dry between uses is effective for killing most bacteria that may be on them, however, some strains of bacteria can continue to thrive even in dry conditions. Preventing this build-up of bacteria is an important reason to clean your toothbrush regularly, similar to a dish cloth or sponge. If you’re sick, you may want to clean the toothbrush daily or even…