Joan said, “How do I get a build up of furniture polish off my laminate floor? A cleaning service recently sprayed furniture cleaner on my kitchen cabinets and its seems most of it landed on the floor. The floor is so slippery, my dog keeps falling when she attempts to walk across the kitchen floor. It’s now covered in rugs to avoid this problem. I’ve washed it twice with the water/vinegar solution, but that doesn’t seem to help. Thanks for any and all advice.”
It is always recommended that furniture polish be sprayed onto a cloth, rather than directly onto a surface, which would diminish the possibility of over-spray. If you do have some over-spray to remove, or if you simply used too much polish on the designated area, the steps below can help you remove it. Select a method below, and continue trying methods until the polish is gone.
Removing the Polish
You Will Need:
- Cornstarch
- A cloth
- A broom or vacuum
- White vinegar
- Water
- Dish liquid
- Black tea bags
Steps to Remove the Polish:
- Sprinkle some cornstarch over the area. Let the cornstarch sit for about 10 minutes to absorb the polish, then use a dry cloth to buff the area. Sweep or vacuum up the powder.¹
- Combine equal amounts of water and white vinegar. Wipe the area with the solution. Wipe the area with a dry cloth afterward to remove the excess liquid.¹
- Since most furniture polish is oil-based, a grease-cutting dish liquid can work well to remove it. Combine some dish liquid in water to make suds, skim the suds off the surface of the water with a cloth and wipe the suds onto the polished area. Continue washing the surface with the sudsy water until the polish is gone. Wipe the area with a dry cloth to remove the excess liquid afterward.²
- Make a quart of boiling water and add two regular Lipton tea bags. Let the tea cool, then dampen a cloth with the tea, wring the cloth out thoroughly so that it’s not dripping, and use the damp cloth to wipe off the furniture polish. Wipe the area with a dry cloth to remove the excess liquid afterward.¹
Additional Tips and Advice
- If fresh, rubbing the area with a dry cloth can remove any excess polish, leaving only a thin layer.³
- Always apply furniture polish onto a cloth and use the cloth to wipe the polish onto the intended surface. This will greatly reduce the possibility of overspray, as well as the possibility of applying too much polish in one area.
- Joey Green’s Cleaning Magic
- How the Queen Cleans Everything! by Linda Cobb
- 99 Cent Solutions by Reader’s Digest
Option #3, dish soap suds, worked best for me. Two or three times and the floor is back to normal.
I have a beautiful cherry oak dining room table that I destroyed by using too many different polishing products on it. It was extremely dull!
So, I used vinegar and water; didn’t work. I then used grease defying kitchen soap; didn’t work either. I didn’t try the corn starch or the tea. I had some “ORANGE GLO” wood cleaner and polish. And, viola! I have my beautiful table back and I couldn’t be happier!