Joyce asked: How do I clean marble or granite tombstones? I need to clean a tombstone, and I am not sure if it is granite or marble. Can you tell me what to use?
The first step in caring for a tombstone or headstone is to identify what material it is made of. Once that is determined, you can choose the appropriate cleaning method. For marble, use the cleaning steps below. For granite, see our guide How to Clean a Granite Headstone/Tombstone.
You Will Need:
- Water
- Wooden scraper
- Soft cloths
- Non-ionic soap (ex: Ivory or Orvus)
- Natural bristled brushes
Steps to Clean a Marble Headstone:
- Only marble that is in good condition should be cleaned. Inspect the entire headstone for cracks, wear and signs of damage. If these are present, it may be best to leave it as is. Cleaning weak marble can result in further, irreparable damage.
- Soak the stone with water to saturate any growth that may be present.
- Use the wooden scraper to remove any algae or moss growth from the surface.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of the non-ionic soap with 1 gallon of water.
- Use the brushes to apply the soapy mixture to the surface and scrub away any debris.
- Keep the stone wet with clean water for the duration of your cleaning.
- Once all of the debris is removed, rinse the stone thoroughly with clean water.
- Repeat every 18 months. If more frequent cleanings are necessary, use plain water to remove any dirt or residue that may be present.
Additional Tips and Advice
- For additional information, such as removing stains, see our guide How to Clean Marble.
- Only use wooden tools when cleaning marble. Plastic tools can cause scratches. If scratches are present, see our guide How to Remove Scratches from Marble.
- If there are oil or grease stains on the stone, add a small amount of ammonia to the cleaning solution.
- If there are plaques, etc. made of other metals, do not allow the cleaning solution to come in contact with these metals.
- Non-ionic soap is a classification of cleaning solutions that means it has no electrical charge. Other soaps are classified as anionic (negative charge), cationic (positive charge), or amphoteric (the charge is based on the pH).
- Handbook for Critical Cleaning; Cleaning Agents and Systems by Barbara and Edward Kanegsberg
“Based on NCPTT research, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will implement new policies that ban bleach-containing cleaners and encourage the use of gentle biocidal cleaners for regular maintenance of more than three million headstones nationwide.”
Two recommendations: D/2 Biological Solution (from Lime Works) and Enviro Klean BioWash.
Source: NCPTT – Best Practice Recommendations for Cleaning Government-Issued Marble Headstones (2011-13)
Other articles that I have read say not to use Ivory detergent.
Bucket of soapy water and some elbow grease, here we come!
Hi. My nan’s headstone got green on it, so I was told to use white vinager on it. Is there any other stuff I can use to make it come white or cleaner please?
You can try using the stain removal methods in the article, How to Clean Marble. The green on the headstone is likely organic, so hydrogen peroxide might be a good first choice. Keep in mind though that it is best to try any cleaner on a small, hidden spot first. Also, make sure that you rinse off the cleaner well after using it.
A smart person NEVER will clean marble or different types of stone. The stone “writes” for centuries and should be left alone.
My parents’ headstone has staining about a foot of the way up from the bottom. The staining is from the natural clay soil in that area. I think it will take something really powerful to get it to come out. I have no idea what to use. Can you please help?
Thank you so much!
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My mother’s tall gorgeous marble tombstone, which has been up 15 years, is this year covered in green mildew. I love the ageing of marble, but this is not ageing!! I have marble cleaner in the can, but I don’t believe it would do this. Someone said bleach & water, but I’m afraid to do this.
Look for a product that is specifically designed to kill fungus (mold/mildew) and is safe for marble. A great choice is Marblelife Mold and Mildew Remover. If a product isn’t an antifungal, then it won’t work to kill the mold spores. You may be able to wipe the mold off, but you need to kill the spores to prevent it from returning. See this article for more information: How to Clean Mold/Mildew from Natural Sealed Stone Shower.
How do I clean brownstone?
Recently a bunch of roses was left against my family’s polished marble headstone. When I tried to remove the withered roses some petals were stuck to the polished stone. When I removed these there was a stain underneath left by the petals. How can I remove this stain please?
J. Killian,
You might be able to remove the flower stains just using a regular marble cleaner. Another option is to try an enzyme digester that works on plant stains, such as Kids ‘N’ Pets. You can look in the pet aisle of your local grocery store for more stain removing enzyme digesters.
My grandparent’s white headstone had turned mostly black as it was 100 years since it was placed there. I used caustic soda diluted 2/1, used a paintbrush to work it in and left it overnight. Then washed it with soapy water. It certainly done the job; pure brilliant white.
I have a Carrara marble angel statue attached to a headstone and it has turned very dark due to the elements. How can I get this white again or close to it? Thanks in advance.
Use the method for removing stains in the guide How to Clean Marble. That method will pull out any materials that are causing the stains, and peroxide has mild bleaching properties as well. If the item is very badly stained as it sounds like it might be, you may need to repeat the process a few times. If the statue is outside, you can cover it with plastic wrap to hold the poultice in place. Good luck!
My grandmother’s stone is marble and some small parts are granite. What do I use to maintain its natural beauty? I don’t want the sun to mess it up. Is there some type of chemical that’s safe to use?
Also, my mother-in-law’s stone is granite and it has white stains, not sure if it’s from the sun. What do I use to clean it and maintain it from coming back? Is there some type of chemical that’s safe to use?
Marble is more sensitive of a stone than granite, so in general, a marble cleaner will be safe to use on both the marble and granite portions of your grandmother’s stone. However, there are many cleaners that are specifically formulated for use on multiple types of stone, so that would be best.
The white stains on your mother-in-law’s stone could be from hard water from the sprinklers. If granite or stone cleaner doesn’t remove them, try cleaning a small hidden area with a mix of equal parts water and white vinegar to remove the white stains before cleaning the entire stone. If that doesn’t work or if the test doesn’t go well, use the methods in the guide How to Remove Stains from Granite Countertops. For prevention, you could apply Rain-X, which would make the water drip more quickly off the stone and therefore prevent it from leaving the white mineral deposits as it dries. Sun damage on stone usually appears as an all-over bleaching of the stone as opposed to a stained appearance unless there are parts of the area shaded from the sun, which would be unlikely outdoors since the sun moves across the sky. Good luck!
Source: Rain-X – Sealing Brick, Concrete and Stone
Does anyone have any tips on how to remove clay stains from white marble /granite headstones? I wish to clean a relative’s grave. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
This is the guide you need: How to Remove Clay Stains from Marble. Good luck!