Michelle said, “Also, are there any ideas on how to clean the rubberized part of your phone? My HTC desire 826 has been getting really dirty along the sides and I would really want to know how to clean it. Thanks in advance.”
Phone cases not only help to protect a phone from damage, but they also take the brunt of the dirt and oil deposits from our hands. Regular cleaning of a phone case can help to keep the buildup to a minimum. Follow the steps below to remove the dirt and grime.
Cleaning the Case
You Will Need:
- Dish liquid
- Water
- A cloth
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Borax
- A soft-bristled brush
- Baking soda
Steps to Clean the Case:
- Remove the case from the phone.
- Wash the case with a grease-fighting dish liquid and a cloth.
- If the area is still dirty, moisten a cloth with isopropyl alcohol and wipe the dirty area of the case.
- If the stains remain, mix some dish liquid with water in a bowl or in a plugged sink. Add some borax to the mixture, then let the phone case soak in the mixture for about an hour. Gently scrub the dirty areas with a soft-bristled brush, such as a nail brush or an old toothbrush, then rinse the case well.¹
- If the dirt has still not been removed, mix some baking soda with water to make a paste. Spread the paste over the dirty area. Let the baking soda paste dry on the case for several hours or overnight, then brush off the dried paste and rinse the case.
Additional Tips and Advice
- Some dirt and grime may be removed with an eraser. Simply rub the eraser over the area.
- A scrub brush may help to remove the dirt and grime, however, it could also damage the rubber if used too abrasively.
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Cleaning by Mary Findley and Linda Formichelli
I put my iPhone in my pocket and my blue jeans faded on my pink OtterBox. Any ideas how to get it off? I have tried everything I can think of.
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Can I use the same cloth for step 2 and 4? What kind if cloth should I use? Cotton? Microfiber? How do I clean the cloth?
In step 4, you should use a scrub brush, not a cloth. If you meant steps 2 & 3, then no; it would be best to use a different cloth for step 3. Any type of cloth is fine; rubber phone cases do not get scratched very easily. The cloth can be cleaned as usual afterward – either by putting it in a washing machine or hand washing it in a sink with some mild laundry detergent.
How do I clean the cleaning toothbrush and often do I replace the cleaning toothbrush? How often do I replace the cleaning cloths?
Before using the toothbrush for cleaning, you should sanitize it. There are several ways you can do that. You can soak it in either hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. Do not soak it in a bleach solution as the residue from the bleach could cause problems or damage. Another option is to put it in the dishwasher with your next load.
The toothbrush and cleaning cloth should be replaced as needed. Toothbrushes for cleaning are usually replaced when the bristles are too worn to be of use for scrubbing. The cloth can be rotated to a clean area as you clean.
Source: Platinum Dental Care – How to Sanitize your Toothbrush (and Keep from Getting Sick)
Do I have to clean the recipient where I disinfect the toothbrush in alcohol?
Yes, if you use a cup or bowl to put the toothbrush in to soak it in alcohol then you should clean out the cup or bowl afterward to remove any residue that may remain from the alcohol. This is especially true if using a container that will later be used for food as isporpoyl alcohol should not be ingested. However, the container should also be washed to remove any residue from the bacteria as well or any potential bacteria that the alcohol did not kill. Good luck!
Source: Wikipedia – Isopropyl alcohol
Melanie, how do I clean the container or recipient that I soak the case and toothbrush?
You can just wash it with some dish liquid and water, or if it’s dishwasher safe, put it in the dishwasher. Good luck!
I have a clear phone case that has yellowed. I’m going to attempt to soak it in a mixture of peroxide, baking soda, a little bleach and some OxiClean.
I’m one of those guys who change transparent rubber phone cases on a monthly basis. It’s because I work in construction and the dust from the site is quite the main degrading factor. But it’s very likely happening because of the fact that I’m trying to clean it up every 3 days. So I just take the case, drop it in soapy hot water and voila, it’s clean. The thing is, this process really affects the case, which breaks after a month or so.
So recently I got myself a phone sanitizer and tried to do things differently: just washing the case with clean and cold water and then put it into the Phonesoap. It gets out as brand new, every single time. Not only is it clean, but it’s also germ-free (I’m a bit of a germaphobe so it’s nice to know that).
Source: UV Phone Sanitizers
I have a pink OtterBox phone case. But it has been getting dirty. I’ve tried all of these steps, but it didn’t work. Any ideas on what would work? It’s light pink rubber and I have a feeling it’s not going to come off. I really want to save my nice phone case pink, NOT this gross dark dirty pink. Please help!
Try using an eraser as suggested in the Additional Tips section. An art gum eraser works best. Don’t use a pink eraser as they can stain (although in this case, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad since your case is already pink). If the stains still won’t come out, I’d try using OxiClean. Either the powdered version or the liquid might work. Scrub the case with the OxiClean and a bit of water thoroughly, then rinse. If the stains won’t budge, you could try dying the case using the Rit dyes that are available in the laundry aisle of most major supermarkets. Good luck!
Source: TechNewsWorld – How to Dye the Back Cover of Your Phone or Tablet
Can you use bleach on colored rubber cases? If so what would the steps be and would you mix it with anything else?
If you need to thoroughly disinfect your phone case, diluted bleach could work in an emergency. Whether or not it is safe for the color depends mostly on the phone case, though diluted bleach can safely be used on many colored surfaces. Clorox recommends 1/2 cup bleach in 1 gallon of water for disinfecting surfaces, but the solution must be allowed to soak for 5 minutes to fully disinfect. You can test it on a small hidden area on the inside of the case first to look for any adverse reaction.
However, bleach should only be used as a last resort. Bleach can cause premature wear on rubber and it’s not a healthy chemical to be using regularly either. Alcohol will work to kill most pathogens when needed, though if sanitizing your case is something you need to do regularly, it would be best to invest in a Phone Soap or similar UV device instead to limit your (and your phone case’s) exposure to chemicals.
Source: EWG – Clorox Bleach, Regular