Antique china is an heirloom that increases greatly in value with each generation it’s passed on to. China is made to last, and with proper care it can remain beautiful for generations. Take care of your family heirloom antique china by following these steps.
How to Clean Antique China by Hand
Whether you’re preparing for china for use or for storage, cleaning by hand is the safest and the only recommended method. Avoid using citrus scented or bleach infused detergents on china. The acid will harm the finish of the china.
What You Will Need:
- Sink
- Thick towel or rubber mat
- Warm water
- Mild detergent
- Wash cloth
- Microfiber cloths
The Cleaning Process:
- Begin by placing a towel or mat in the bottom of the sink to protect the dish in case of a fall.
- Fill the sink partially full with warm (not hot) water. Add a small amount of dish detergent and mix until suds begin to form.
- Use the washcloth to gently wash the dishes. Avoid using any scrubbers or abrasives as it can damage the surface, and thus damage your piece.
- Allow the china to air dry or hand dry it using microfiber cloths.
How to Clean Antique China in the Dishwasher
This method is not recommended due to the harsh conditions and high probability of cracking, chipping, or weakening of the finish. However, if you do use a dishwasher, follow these steps to lessen the chance of damage to the dishes.
What You Will Need:
- Plain dishwasher detergent (avoid bleach or citrus formulas)
The Cleaning Process:
- Load the dishwasher carefully, leaving plenty of spaces between dishes so that they do not touch or will not bump one another during the wash cycle.
- Run the dishwasher on GENTLE cycle. If you do not have a gentle cycle, you will want to use the shortest and lowest heat cycle available.
- Allow the china to air dry. Do not use the heat dry cycle on the dishwasher as it can cause cracks and damage the decorative features that make the china so beautiful.
Additional Tips and Advice
- It’s always better to clean china by hand. Dishwasher prongs and harsh detergents may damage the surface. Heat from the drying cycle may crack china or loosen the trim.
- Do not leave antique china in an environment that is not temperature or moisture controlled for long periods of time.
- Do not use steel wool or abrasive pads or cleaners.
- If you store china in stacks, place a sheet of paper towel between each piece to help prevent chips or breakage caused by friction between the pieces.
- To clean a silver rim, use silver cleaner and rub lightly so you do not remove the finish. Wash thoroughly before using. Wear rubber gloves and work carefully when cleaning with a silver cleaner. Silver cleaner contains harsh chemicals and should not be ingested or allowed to set on the skin as it can cause great damage.
What about cleaning yellow sticky tape marks off an unused 30-year-old china teapot?
Thank you for the helpful tips. I have been noticing that on my mother’s china there is a crackling effect, which I believe to be in the glaze. I am hoping you can tell what is the cause and what I can do to prevent it from happening.
Thank you,
The crackling effect is known as “crazing.” Unfortunately, crazing can not be fixed.
Source: – How to Clean China with a Crackled Brown Appearance
How can I clean unglazed fine bone china?
Unglazed items like bone china can easily absorb dirt, making cleaning tricky. If you decide to clean the item, first gently brush off any dirt with a soft paintbrush so that it is not absorbed during the cleaning. If further cleaning is needed, it might be best to have it professionally cleaned as a liquid cleaning could spread any dirt or stains. If you decide to do a liquid cleaning yourself, use distilled water instead of tap to avoid excess minerals and chemicals in the water. Good luck!
Source: Victoria and Albert Museum – Caring for your Ceramics
Hi. How would I clean the underside of a teapot, the bottom, the ring that is not glazed underneath; there is some dirt on there, black marks. It’s bone china. Thank you so much!
Here are some ideas:
1) Those may be rub/scuff marks. Try using an eraser to remove them. Art gum erasers work best, but any eraser could work. Do not use pink erasers as they can leave stains.
2) You may be able to take the marks off with just a cloth and some soapy water. You can try this on a small area first to see how it goes.
3) One of the problems with using liquids on unglazed china is that the dirt can be carried further into the pores. A good way to avoid this is to use a poultice, which is a paste made of a mix of liquid and an absorbent material that will pull the stain out of a surface (the liquid lifts the stain and the absorbemt material absorbs it). You can try this first on a small area using a mix of isopropyl alcohol and baking soda. Just add a little alcohol to the baking soda and stir it until you have the consistency of peanut butter or toothpaste, then spread the paste over the stain and let it dry. Once dry, brush off the powder. Alcohol is fast drying so this method will be much faster than if you used plain water. If the stains are severe, you may need to repeat this process several times.
4) If the alcohol and baking soda mix doesn’t work, you can try using a mix of white vinegar and baking soda. This process will be just a little different. When the two mix together, they neutralize each other immediately, which produces a fizzing or bubbling effect. You want to use the fizzing to loosen the dirt so you need to quickly spread the mixture over the stains while it is still fizzing, then you can either wait a few minutes and wipe off the mixture or allow it to dry as you would with a regular poultice.
5) Another idea is to use a denture tablet. Put the teapot in a sink or tub of water on its side so the base is exposed, then drop a denture tablet into the water. Let it fizz for the recommended time and repeat if needed.
Good luck!
Source: Morning Glory Antiques – Cleaning Stained or Dirty Pottery and China
Is there any way to remove the yellow markings on the vintage china?
Hi Amir,
Vintage china should be handled with extra care. If the piece is of a high value to you, it would be best to either have it cleaned professionally or not to clean it. However, if you really want the china cleaned, this guide may help: How to Clean China with a Crackled Brown Appearance. Good luck!