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Mark is the founder and lead content planner here at HowToCleanStuff.net. He spent 4 years as a professional carpet cleaner followed by a career providing professional cleaning services to businesses and residential homes.
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I use those Oxy balls for the washer, and I washed some stuff that had pet urine on it, and the smell came right out. So I got to thinking; if it worked in the washer, maybe Oxyclean would work on my carpet. Sure enough, I mixed up some of the Oxyclean stain remover that they sell in the bucket and scrubbed my carpets with it, rinsed them with clear water and then blotted them dry with towels. The smell and stain came out!
Oxiclean has a spray for carpets that works well on pet stains and smells. So does a product called Spot Shot. I use it on the carpet and on spots on clothes. Most spots come out with one or the other of these. It helps to let the Oxi or Spot Shot sit a while first. Sometimes when I come back, the spot is gone on its own. I’m not sure where and don’t really care.
Windex works great for a quick clean up of almost any stains on carpet or furniture. Just be careful with furniture that have suede or other softer fabrics in them. Soak up most of the urine with paper towels or a towel that is easily washed, a couple of sprays about 10 inches from the stain and rub in circles counter-clockwise as well as clockwise. Go back and forth with directions. Works if a puppy has a poo too. Generic window cleaner is best, as real Windex has a lot of blue dye and can be more work. Either way, it gets the smell out and dogs don’t smell it to re-mark there. Cat urine can be brought out easily with this too as long as it hasn’t been sitting long.