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Mark is the founder and lead content planner here at HowToCleanStuff.net. He spent 4 years as a professional carpet cleaner followed by a career providing professional cleaning services to businesses and residential homes.
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First, make sure your cleaning area is well ventilated.
Second, choose a brand of oven cleaner that does not require heating to activate.
Next, spray a small area at a time of your vinyl floor and damp sponge mop the area you just sprayed to remove the residue of the cleaner while also lifting grunge and grim from you floor; continue on until the entire floor is done and clean.
Final step; damp mop with only clean water to remove all final residue of dirt and cleanser. You are done, and can now enjoy a clean vinyl floor.
This process removed the sticky substance caught in the crevices of the molding and floor under my cabinets. It also lifted the dark residue off my vinyl under my baseboards. Be carefull, it also took paint off of my cabinets, yikes! As I progressed through the kitchen, I covered those areas with painters tape and it resolved that problem. Happy cleaning!
I love Pine-Sol. I have always used this product on my vinyl floors.
It never gets sticky or greasy. Put 1/4 cup of Pine-Sol in a gallon bucket of warm water. I first use my vacuum on the floors, then I mop with Pine-Sol. Fresh and smelling clean!
Try dropping one Cascade Complete detergent pack into about 2 quarts of warm water and allow it to dissolve. Pour or spray it on the floor and let it set for several minutes. Dry mop or towel dry. This has worked well at getting out stubborn dirt, but I don’t know if the detergent is too harsh in the long run. So far it hasn’t given me any trouble.
I need a cleaner to remover black scuff marks from a gray vinyl floor. The marks were made by moving heavy equipment over a year span.
How do I get spray starch off of my vinyl floor? It has made it very slippery.
You can try mineral spirits or paint thinner. It won’t hurt it. My installers used paint thinner to get ink off my vinyl right after they put it down.
On my bathroom floor, around the air vent, there is an orangey-looking stain. It may be rust, but I am not sure. It has something to do with the metal vent. I have used Magic Erasers, but to no avail. Any ideas?
Do not install vinyl floors; they scratch and mark easily. They also look cheap and plastic.