Gloria asked: How do I remove alcohol stains out of silk? I have a silk dress, which has been stained by alcohol. I took it to the dry cleaners and most of the stains have been removed. However, there are still watermark-like stains on the dress. Is there any way that I can get these out? The label says do not spot clean/do not steam.
There are a wide variety of silks, and while some can tolerate washing and cleaning, others are more delicate and should only be cleaned by a professional. Check the care tag carefully to ensure you do not damage your piece further. If the silk is washable, use the steps below to get rid of those stubborn alcohol stains.
Removing Fresh Stains
You Will Need:
- Warm water
- Soft cloth or sponge
Steps to Remove the Stain:
- Fresh stains are the easiest to remove because they have not set on the silk fibers.
- Simply moisten a soft cloth or sponge with warm water.
- Blot the stained area until the alcohol is removed.
- Allow the piece to air dry completely.
Removing Dried Stains
You Will Need:
- Warm to cool water
- Soft cloth or sponge
- Glycerin
- Denatured alcohol
- Ammonia
- Small bowl or cup
Steps to Remove the Stain:
- If the stain has dried/turned brown, begin by moistening the stained area with warm to cool water.
- Blot the stain with glycerin. Gently work it into the stain.
- Allow the glycerin to sit on the stain for 30 minutes.
- Rinse with warm to cool water.
- If the stain persists, mix one part denatured alcohol with one part ammonia in a cup or bowl.
- Blot the mixture onto the stained areas.
- Once the stain is removed, rinse the area completely with warm to cool water.
Additional Tips and Advice
- If the silk is labeled “dry clean only” it will need to be cleaned by a professional. If the cleaners did not remove the stains during the first cleaning, return and address the situation with them. They may have alternative cleaning methods that can safely be used.
- If the cleaned areas have watermarks, it is because it was spot cleaned. Simply wash the entire garment and use a fan or hair dryer to speed up the drying process. This will allow for uniform drying and less chances of marks.
- Always be sure to rinse the silk completely. Leaving the chemicals on the fabric will shorten the lifespan and possibly cause damage.
- If you are unsure whether you silk is safe to wash, you can either test a small, hidden area first to check for any adverse effects, or err on the side of caution and have it professionally cleaned.
I have an ivory silk cami that was hanging at the back of my closet. When I took it out, I discovered that there are grey (I’m assuming dust) streaks in it. Any tips on how to remove these streaks?