Rhonda said, “I have a clock with a clear plastic face, marker is on a section of it and I ca,t get it off. HELP!!!! I have photos of before and after, if that’s helpful.”
There are a lot of reasons that marker can end up where it isn’t wanted. Since so many items are made of plastic now, including some countertops, there is a good chance that the marked item may be plastic. Thankfully, there is also a variety of things that may work to remove it. Use the information in the steps below to remove the marker.
Removing the Marker
You Will Need:
- Rubbing alcohol
- Nail polish remover
- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
- Toothpaste
- Hairspray
- WD-40
Steps to Remove the Marker:
- Soak a cloth or cotton ball with some rubbing alcohol and rub the marker off the plastic. Even if it takes several minutes, keep rubbing; the alcohol will return the marker to its liquid state so that it can be easily wiped away.¹
- If rubbing alcohol does not work, try nail polish remover.²
- A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can erase some types of marker.³
- Toothpaste can also be effective for removing marker from some surfaces. Simply rub the toothpaste into the marker residue, then wipe it off.⁴
- Spray the marker spot with the hairspray, let it sit on the stain for a minute, then wash it off with soap, rubbing the marker away as you clean.⁴
- Spray some WD-40 onto the marker. Use a clean cloth to wipe off both the WD-40 and the marker.⁵
Additional Tips and Advice
- A nylon scrub pad can be helpful for removing marker from plastic surfaces.⁶
- Green Cleaning 101 by Sustainable Stevie
- How the Queen Cleans Everything by Linda Cobb
- Green Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck
- Haley’s Cleaning Hints by Graham and Rosemary Haley
- Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things by Reader’s Digest
- Handy Household Hints from Heloise by Heloise
Yeah, the alcohol rub is true. I have tried it before. Also, iron rust stains on white clothing can be removed by using lime juice and salt; mix them to get a paste, apply it at the stain area, and expose the area to sunlight.