Louisa asked: How do I remove melted nylon from cotton? My iron was borrowed and used to iron a pair of nylon shorts. Presumably, it was too hot. I then used it, without checking first, to iron a white, cotton shirt. I now have a black mark on the shirt. How can I remove it?
It can be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to remove melted nylon from another fabric. In fact, once it happens, the cotton garment is essentially ruined, so you have nothing to lose by giving this method a try. Whether it works or not depends largely on your exact situation, but it has proven successful for some and with any luck, it will work for you as well.
You Will Need:
- Butter knife
- Plastic bag with ice
- Old, clean towel
- Iron
Steps to Remove the Stain:
- First, place the bag of ice over the stain and allow it to sit until the spot is very cold.
- Use the butter knife to scrape off as much of the stain as you can. (It’s possible that you won’t be able to remove any of it).
- Next, lay the towel down on a flat surface.
- Turn the iron to the hottest setting and allow it to preheat.
- Lay the cotton garment with the melted nylon stain down on the towel.
- Apply the heat to the back of the cotton. Your objective is to reheat and subsequently melt the nylon. If all goes well, the nylon will stick to the towel below. To check for progress, lift the cotton garment every few seconds. If the nylon appears to be coming off, move to a clean part of the towel before repositioning the cotton to continue.
Additional Tips and Advice
- If you accidentally scorch the white cotton while trying to remove the melted nylon, mix a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Soak a cloth in the solution, place it over the scorch mark and press with the iron.
- If a dye stain from the nylon remains after the nylon is removed, use the guide How to Remove Dye Stains from Clothing.
The nylon from my jacket has melted onto my iron. How to clean the iron?
This is the article you need: How to Remove Melted Carpet from an Iron’s Plate. (Most carpets are made of nylon.)