Nicholl asked: How do I get super glue off eye glasses? I tried to fix my glasses with super glue, but I got it on the lens. My lenses aren’t glass, they are plastic, so I can’t use nail varnish remover because the acetone will affect the plastic. It’s cheap super glue. Please help.
There are several factors to consider before you attempt to remove the superglue: what material are the lenses, and do they have a coating on them (such as for UV protection). Look through the methods below to choose one that is safe for your type of lenses, then follow the steps to remove the glue.
Removing the Glue with Water
This is the safest method for lenses that have a coating on them. Most adhesives, including superglue, can be softened with water. It may take time, but it can work.
You Will Need:
- Water
- Ammonia-free dishwashing liquid
- A soft cloth
- Plastic wrap
- A soft cloth
Steps to Remove the Glue:
- Mix some ammonia-free dish liquid in water to make suds.
- Dip a soft cloth folded together in the soapy water to get it wet, then press it over the glue. (You could just soak the glasses in the bowl of water instead, but that would also loosen the glue that you put on the lenses in the right place.)
- Wrap plastic wrap around the damp cloth to keep in the moisture.
- Let the glue soak for several (at least 3) hours.
- Remove the plastic wrap and use the damp cloth to wipe off the softened glue.
- If the cloth does not soften, you may need to use warm water. To do this, moisten a cloth with warm water, then press the cloth onto the glue. Be sure to only use warm water, not hot. According to Jean (Thanks!), soaking coated lenses in hot water for too long can cause cracking.
- Every 15-20 minutes, re-soak the cloth with warm water and put it back on the glue.
- Do this as many times as needed to soften the glue.
- If this method does not work, consider using the toothpaste method below. Several site users have reported using toothpaste on coated lenses without any problems.
- When the lenses are clean, dry them with a soft cloth to prevent any water marks and avoid having any metal parts rust.
Removing the Glue with Alcohol
This method is safe for both plastic and glass lenses. If your lenses have a coating on them, test this method along one corner edge first to be sure it does not damage the coating.
You Will Need:
- A soft cloth
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Razor blade
- Mild soap
- Water
- A soft cloth
Steps to Remove the Glue:
- Moisten a soft cloth with isopropyl alcohol.
- Use the cloth to rub off the glue. This may take some elbow grease. Rotate the cloth to a new area as the glue is transferred to it.
- Several site users have written in to say that carefully using either a razor blade or a fingernail to scrape off the glue once it has softened a bit works well. However, this should not be used for lenses that have a coating on them as it will almost certainly damage the coating as well. Also, be very careful not to scratch the glasses with the razor blade.
- Clean the area afterward with a mild soap and water.
- When the lenses are clean, dry them with a soft cloth to prevent any water marks and avoid having any metal parts rust.
Removing the Glue with Acetone
This method is safe for glass lenses only. Do not use this method on plastic lenses. If your lenses have a coating on them, test this method along one corner edge first to be sure it does not damage the coating. For glass lenses without a coating, this is the easiest method to use for removing the glue.
You Will Need:
- A soft cloth
- Acetone
Razor blade - Mild soap
- Water
- A soft cloth
Steps to Remove the Glue:
- Moisten a cloth with some pure acetone. This can be purchased at either a hardware store or at a beauty supply shop. Acetone nail polish remover can be used instead, but it has other chemicals in it, so it should not be used with lenses that have a coating on them.
- Rub the cloth over the glue until it is removed. This may take some elbow grease. Rotate the cloth to a clean area as the glue is transferred to it
- Several site users have written in to say that carefully using either a razor blade or fingernail to scrape off the glue once it has softened a bit works well. However, this should not be used for lenses that have a coating on them as it will almost certainly damage the coating as well.
- Clean the area afterward with a mild soap and water.
- When the lenses are clean, dry them with a soft cloth to prevent any water marks and avoid having any metal parts rust.
Removing the Glue with Toothpaste
This method is safe for both plastic and glass lenses. Several site users have used this method on coated lenses without damaging the coating. However, if your lenses have a coating, test this solution first along a corner edge to be sure it does not cause any damage.
- Many site users have written in to say that wetting the glue with warm water, then gently rubbing toothpaste over the glue with a cloth worked well to remove the glue. It may take some time and elbow grease, but dozens of people have had success with this method. Most people have used plain white toothpaste, but there are gel toothpaste users who have had success as well.
- Do not use any kind of toothpaste that contains ‘micro-scrubbers’ (the blue balls, etc.) as they can scratch the lens.
Additional Tips
- Several site users have had success removing the glue with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
- Never use paper towels to clean eyeglasses as they could cause scratches.
- The next time you need to superglue your eyeglasses, cover the lenses first with a piece of plastic wrap or tape. That way, you can easily peel off the tape when you have finished applying the glue to remove it from the lens.
- If you want to have your lenses repaired professionally rather than gluing them, a jewelry store may be able to solder them back together for you if the part that broke is metal.
- Fix It, Clean It, Make It Last by Gayle Wood
- Jewelry Repair Manual by R. Allen Hardy
If it’s plastic, soaking in hot water is the best solution. If it’s glass, you can use polish remover, however it will strip any coating that you have on it as well.
6/3/16 I tried gas and toothpaste; didn’t work.
The best way to remove superglue from acrylic lens-based glasses is to polish the lens with T-cut or some other type of polish.
If you are trying to remove it from glass, use a non-flash-off gel de-bonder; acetone evaporates too fast and is too thin to control.
What is a t cut?
T-Cut is a cleaner designed for auto bodies that is made in the UK. Here is their website. It is described as a cutting oil, so if you are not in the UK and don’t want to order it online, you could try using WD-40 or a similar cutting oil.
Source: – what is cutting oil?
I have just successfully removed superglue from my expensive plastic lens glasses.
The secret… Toothpaste! It will take you approx three minutes of rubbing the toothpaste on the lens with your fingers, rinse off and towel dry.
Perfect lens again. Phew!
It works!!!! Wow, toothpaste did the job.
Thanks for sharing. 😉
Yes, toothpaste is the best solution. Thanks to the guy who gave the idea.
Thanks bro, toothpaste and warm water worked. I removed a Fevikwik dot (cyanoacrylate adhesive) from the fibreglass of a spectacal.
Nice idea and thank you very much.
Out of the above four solutions for removing superglue from plastic lenses, I strongly recommend the fourth. Nice job Shaun, not only is toothpaste the least harmful, I guarantee it will remove nicotine stains from your fingers and everyone can pretty much confer that it successfully removes several different different substances from your teeth! The slightly gritty kind works a bit better than the gel. Good luck!
Toothpaste does not work – I just tried it.
Toothpaste didn’t even work.
Sensodyne worked pretty good for me, but I got to it right away.
My friend just got glue on his lenses and he tried everything, so my genius boyfriend gave it a try and fixed them perfectly with white vinegar and a Magic Eraser.
The toothpaste stuff worked for me. 🙂 Thank you!!!
I tried some of the above, and it wasn’t working. Then I tried a combo of soaking my polycarbonate eyeglass lens with really bad super glue in white vinegar for a hour, then using a grainy toothpaste and rubbing with my fingers, which did get almost all off. I will repeat to try for the rest.
The toothpaste trick worked!!!! OMG…I was so skeptical and was ready to throw my item away. My glue was days old and it still worked…Kudos!!!
Toothpaste appears to be working, but it has taken a few goes.
Toothpaste worked, but have to work at it a bit. Use a toothpaste that is more original type: white and kind of gritty. I used Arm & Hammer that has baking soda in it. My situation, it was a fairly thin coat of superglue, over most of one lens of my dad’s new glasses. It did such a good job, now I’m going to try the toothpaste on the lens cover in the car to see if it will remove the haze.
Used alcohol and soapy water; it did NOT work. When I used toothpaste, IT WORKED! Thanks to the person who suggested it. It does work you guys. 🙂
I tried the rubbing alcohol, no luck. Tried Crest toothpaste (white gritty kind) and most of it came off. Will try white vinegar tomorrow for the remaining residue. Last time I try to bedazzle my lens frames!
Toothpaste worked like a charm… Thanks!
Toothpaste worked for me! Took a little bit, but came off with Sensodyne.
Toothpaste DIDN’T WORK.
It’s taking a minute, but I think the toothpaste is working.
Toothpaste made some of it come off, but I have to keep trying because I want to be able to see. Also, I don’t want to squeeze my eyes in order to be able to see. So white vinegar and Magic Eraser, here I come.
Toothpaste worked; you just have to keep working at it.
The toothpaste thing accompanied with a Magic Eraser is brilliant. Thank you all who responded to this!!!
Toothpaste, here I come…my lenses need to be cleaned.
Actually, acetone and toothpaste worked. Then, I rubbed it off with hot water. Perfect.
Toothpaste WORKS!!!! I had a lens that was practically covered in super glue fingerprints and it’s clear!!! My fingers lost their ridges (it took several applications and rinses), but IT WORKS!!! Now on to the frames!
Toothpaste plus acetone works good; takes a couple tries, but from what I can see, it seems to be working! Didn’t have a Magic Eraser, so I used a rag that had ridges. They didn’t scratch the lenses; I think it make them better!! Haven’t tried the warm/hot water.
Well, I can’t try the warm rag, water, and soaking method because it will probably soften the glue holding my lens in! 😛 So, toothpaste here I come.
The toothpaste kinda works, but not so well.
Toothpaste worked perfectly for me…I use Dabur toothpaste…by rubbing with my hand.
I used toothpaste. I have the gel kind, and it worked for me. I had to do it more then once, but it worked.
A product called “Goof Off” worked well. No damage to lens.
Super glue dried on my plastic lenses as I had a problem gluing my lenses to my eye glass frames. The super glue has been on my lenses for a while. Will toothpaste work?
Toothpaste did not work; just spent the last 25 minutes rubbing the toothpaste in and it did nothing.
Daniel gets it. Toothpaste and a little patience will work. It did for me.
Finger nail poilish remover works.
I had to try a combo of stuff too. I used the toothpaste, Goo Gone and rubbing alcohol, then scratched it off with a razor blade. It worked ok, then I polished them with the toothpaste again to fill in any scratches. They are ok until we can get to the glasses office for a thorough cleaning.
I got superglue on my $300 Ray Ban (glass) prescription sunglasses and I was about to try nail polish remover, when I found this site. I decided to give toothpaste a try out of fear that the nail polish would damage the lens coatings and thankfully, to my amazement, it really worked!! It took 3-4 separate light scrubbings with the toothpaste, and the superglue was 100% totally gone. I simply used my finger and scrubbed the area in a circular pattern for about 3-4 minutes. I had to do this 5 times for the superglue to totally come off, but each time I could tell I was making progress. Using toothpaste didn’t damage or scratch my lenses at all and these are prescription sunglasses so they have multiple coatings. I would be careful and make sure you don’t have baking soda in your toothpaste before trying this. The type of toothpaste I used was Colgate Total.
Hi, read a lot of the comments and toothpaste does work. One of my hinges broke, so I super glued it and got some on one of my lenses. I rubbed the toothpaste for about 3 minutes and rinsed. Did that about eight times & could see progress along the way. Like somebody else mentioned… takes patience and time. Thank you for the help.
Thank you very much for the information of the toothpaste idea. It works; I removed the name from my lenses.
None of the above is working for my lenses. 🙁
Hi guys, I was repairing my eyeglasses frame when I accidentally put glue on the lens. I tried the toothpaste, it removed a little, but nail polish totally wiped it all. I used a cotton, then put nail polish on it and rubbed it until it’s gone. Good Luck to all; hope it helps.
Can I use nail polish remover on my plastic lenses???
Both acetone nail polish remover and non-acetone nail polish remover could cause immediate damage to a plastic lens. Use rubbing alcohol instead. Repeated use of rubbing alcohol on a plastic lens could dry out the plastic or damage the lens coating, but for a one-time removal of superglue, it should not cause any damage.
Source: HowStuffWorks – What’s the different between acetone and non-acetone nail polish remover?
Source: Brigham Young University – Material Safety Data Sheet, Ethyl Acetate
Source: Kent & Roxie’s Spectacle Shoppe – How to Clean My Frames
Source: Specs Around Town Optical Boutique – Eyecare
Toothpaste and a children’s soft toothbrush. I use it; had to go over it several times, but it worked. I used a toddler toothbrush. Had to get it off with a wet washcloth, but it did eventually work, since I can’t afford new glasses.
How long did you take doing it? Please help.
Used Arm & Hammer baking soda toothpaste on plastic lenses to remove a small amount of Krazy Glue. Worked!
I used toothpaste to remove the super glue from my lenses and it really worked! Thanks. 🙂
Toothpaste worked for me.
Perfect! Perfect!! Toothpaste works for me!!!! 🙂
Toothpaste totally worked.
Got super glue all over my lens on my glasses after they broke. I was fixing to finish breaking them when I read this post…
Toothpaste got all the super glue off and even some scratches I had!!!!
I believe in toothpaste for superglue!!!
Toothpaste worked. 🙂
Toothpaste works!!! I used Aquafresh.
I noticed that people were getting results from using toothpaste with baking soda, so instead of using toothpaste, I took a small amount of baking soda and added some water, and it scrubbed right off!
Toothpaste worked for me.
OMG!! Toothpaste really worked for me!!! I rubbed Sensodyne on my lens for about 40 seconds and it really worked!!!! 😀
Thanks to ‘SHAUN’ who suggested toothpaste!
Put nail polish remover on a cotton ball, and let it soak on the glue for 10 minutes. Then, wipe it off lightly using your fingernails. WORKS GLORIOUSLY. 🙂
Colgate with baking soda. (Any baking soda mixture probably works) for the lenses… Now, for the frames?
Toothpaste works.
Toothpaste and perseverance just worked on my plastic lenses. I just got glue on my lenses trying to repair them so I can study for an exam later today and I totally freaked because I can’t see without them. A lot of rubbing later, I’m good. Bless the soul that suggested that idea. For those in South Africa, normal Collate did the trick.
I used toothpaste to remove the super glue from my lenses and it really worked! It took a few tries, but it came off!! Thanks.
Nail polish remover is great.
Damages plastic lenses…
I tried alcohol and it didn’t work. Toothpaste worked great, but it took several coats, washing off in between, and starting again. It also took about 15-20 mins. It saved my glass lens.
Tried to fix my glasses and has small super glue showing where the frames and lens met. But a Magic Eraser seems to be working for me. Only 2 minutes and the glue is coming away.
I tried toothpaste. It did work a bit, but it didn’t remove it completely. I tried nail polish remover and I got better results. Left it flawless. Good luck!
Toothpaste and vinegar worked, but with several applications, and rubbing in circular motions. Also, when I tried acetone, it dried out my frames; I brought the frames back with vegetable oil.
Crest 3D white worked like a charm. I couldn’t believe it! Amazing.
Yeah, the toothpaste worked. Let it sit for a few minutes, then pick at it softly with your fingernail, then scrub with a finger. Came right off.
Oral B pro expert is brilliant…got off super glue in two minutes of gentle rubbing…thank you to the person who first thought of it…I can now see again!
Toothpaste worked fine for my niece. I had to try three times and it all came off except in one large spot; we will tackle the rest later. Thanks for the help.
Nice, looking for a home remedy. Well, I tried rubbing alcohol and nothing happened, so I tried white vinegar and rubbed it off with an eraser and that was a success. Thank You!!!
The best I found was Equate Nail Polish Remover (Acetone) with Gelatin. It absolutely works and does not damage my hard plastic progressive lens at all! I tried toothpaste… it did not work. I tried mineral spirits that did not work either. Forget the vinegar; it’s useless. I finally reached for Walmart’s nail polish remover and it absolutely worked. My glasses were pretty bad as I really messed up; the Krazy Glue got everywhere. It was terrible. I thought I’d have to go and get new glasses immediately. How I got a complete thumb print smack in the center of my lens and not even the broken one is beyond me. I worked with tweezers, toothpicks, etc., and was stunned to see that the lens which I was not gluing was trying to stick to my thumb; guess that must be where I held it. These are rimless glasses, the part that broke was the ear part where it physically attaches to the lenses. It broke, taking the corner of the plastic lens with it. So you can imagine.
To end on a positive note, the acetone did a marvelous job. I used a Q-tip, totally drenching the glue until it softened. Some places I even had to scratch it with my fingernail. The lenses were not damaged. The glue came off with constant soaking of acetone by means of dipping a Q-tip in acetone, then applying it to the lens. I washed my glasses with clear soap after and they look as good as new! Of course, the chunk I glued back in is visible, but I can live with it until I get another pair. I was just so stunned at how well the acetone worked, and that it didn’t damage my lens, and I got over being angry at myself for getting the glue everywhere, especially when I tried so hard not to. Next time (hope there won’t be one), I will lightly coat both lenses with a little Vaseline before I bring out the Krazy Glue! It would have saved me a lot of trouble. Try as hard as you like, superglue has a way of always going where you don’t want it to!
Toothpaste works pretty good…not perfect, and requires a good bit of rubbing and use of the fingernail. By the way, the superglue I was removing was splashed onto my laptop and screen. I will keep working at it as replacement is costly.
The superglue was better cleaned by using a bit of baking soda in a few drops of water, and then scrubbing gently with a cotton ball. It did not scratch my screen and cleaned most of it off, even after being on the screen for a few hours.
Thank you very, very much. I got the glue off my lenses with toothpaste and with a small wipe of vinegar. They are like new. 😉 Thank you again!
Toothpaste worked. Thanks.
I’ve got to go with the toothpaste; worked a treat!
Toothpaste did a great job with patience.
I had super glue on my lens for months and the only thing that worked was acetone and Crest toothpaste. Took a couple of tries, but after the third, it was completely off. Thanks!
My lenses are plastic. I tried rubbing alcohol, then I tried polish remover & just a very little bit came off. Maybe ’cause the glue sat for so long & it was kind of caked & smeared on my lens. So, I soaked the glasses in vinegar for an hour & a half. Then, used toothpaste with baking soda, rubbed with my fingers, and almost all glue came off, except for a little tiny bit around the edges. I’m going to repeat one more time. Thanks to everybody for their suggestions & little additions on suggestions. Is much appreciated.
Toothpaste worked like magic… I was super happy and my glasses looked better then before… yay!
Just used toothpaste and it did the job amazingly; just a minute of scrubbing and it clean it off no problem.
Toothpaste really worked! Nice idea. Thank you; thank you! You just saved my Michael Kors watch! Yay!
I have been walking around for three days with a big old blob and a couple of fingerprints of super glue on my eyeglasses. TOOTHPASTE did the trick! I thought my glasses were ruined, but several applications of toothpaste and now I can see! It works!
Just tried the toothpaste method (Colgate baking soda & peroxide) and after two applications, it removed all the super glue. However, next time, if I need to repair my frame, I will remove my lenses.
Used toothpaste and it worked great. Better if you let it dry a little before rubbing. Four applications and rubbing in all directions. Woohoo.
I used gel tooth paste and it worked great!!! Thank you whoever suggested it…I was getting tired of walking around with one smudgie lens. 🙂
Hi, I used super glue to stick my eyeglasses’ arm back on and toothpaste worked for me. There was a line of glue on my lens, quite bad; I rubbed it a few times and got my nail and gently scraped it.
I think toothpaste works only for a plastic lens…because I tried to remove mine on a glass lens and it keeps staring at me in the face…no luck…will try the nail polish remover though. Thanks.
Toothpaste worked after less than a minute of rubbing with my finger! Definitely worth a try.
Brake cleaner!!! Worked great!
Thanks; toothpaste worked great. Three minutes.
The apple cider vinegar worked on the thick glass for removing super glue with the help of a knife edge. Great!
YEA! THE TOOTHPASTE REALLY WORKED for me to remove the spot of Feviquick on my glasses!
Next branded aftershave worked for me; just tried it.
Goof Off worked.
The toothpaste tip worked fairly well. Thanks!!
Read all of the above and found that toothpaste mixed with acetone worked!
Toothpaste didn’t work.
Nail varnish remover (acetone) and a cotton bud. Let it sit in it for a few seconds, then keep rubbing in circular motions. It takes 5/6 dunks of remover, but it seriously worked a treat- the superglue mark was the size of a fingerprint in the middle of my lens! Now it’s all gone! Phew! 🙂 Just in time for my holiday too!
I broke my sister’s glasses on accident, and I felt bad so I wanted to fix them. I tried superglue to try to fix them, but after a while, they would not stay, so I decided to get the super glue off of them. I used toothpaste and hot water and it worked!
Toothpaste (Colgate Total) rubbed by my finger flesh worked in the end for me as well!!! Thanks!!!
However, I had started by rubbing with my thumb nail, and this scratched and partly removed the lens coating (I bite my nails, so they’re not perfectly smooth). Also, there is a network of very tiny cracks in the coating, that doesn’t seem related to my nail aggression. It might be connected with the night spent in water, that was pretty hot to start with? I am thinking of removing the coating altogether, but the toothpaste is no good for that! 😉
After asking my optician, I confirm that
1) dipping glasses too long in water that is too hot (ie. unsustainable to the bare hand) can damage the anti-reflective coating, cracking it everywhere.
2) only poly-carbonate lenses do fear acetone. These have refraction index 1.59, and are now seldom used, precisely because of that. For most other lense material, including so-called “organic glass” with index 1.67 or more, acetone is no problem, even if it belongs to the “organic solvent” category.
The lesson for me: I would have been better off using acetone and a soft tissue in the beginning!
Working carelessly around my desk, I accidentally got super glue on the face of my Samsung Galaxy Note Pro and almost died. Tried to get it off right away before it dried in a lump, but it smeared and dried pretty quick, leaving a streak across the screen. Distraught, I had to leave to take care of some other things and figured I’d come back to it later. Once I got home (hours later), I searched on best ways to remove it… CAREFULLY! Came across this site, read all of the comments and went with Sage… white vinegar and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Removed it in less than 5 minutes and looks good as new!! Honestly, I think it’s the safest way. Anything with grit can leave micro abrasions that later fill with dirt and other particles that can cause a cloudy appearance. Good luck!
So my glasses got filled with glue. I was like “wow, instead of fixing them I just ruined them.” I tried toothpaste and I felt like that didn’t work for me so I used a blade and it helped a little, but I ended up leaving a scratch. So I used nail polish remover from Target and it worked. I let it soak first, then I used a tip soaked with nail remover and I used the top of my nail to scrape it, and little by little it was coming off. I made my nail go in a circular motion, but to help it, I scrapped it a little with my nail a little harder. The glue is gone, but now I regret using a blade because I have that scratch. So how can I get rid of scratch?
For plastic lenses, you may be able to buff out the scratch with just some mild soap and a soft cloth.
Buffing the lens with toothpaste should remove the scratch from either glass or plastic lenses. You can also use a paste of baking soda mixed with some water for glass or plastic lenses.
Another trick to remove scratches from both glass and plastic lenses is car wax. Polishing the lenses with the wax should fill in the scratch.
For plastic lenses, another option is to use brass polish.
Source: Lifehacker – How Can I Revive an Old, Beaten Up Pair of Glasses?
Source: – How to Remove Scratches on Eye Glasses
I tried toothpaste because most of the comments tasted success with it. It actually WORKS!!! You need a little bit of patience though… If you keep rubbing, after some time, the layer of the glue that touches the lens softens. You can use your fingernails to peel it off; if it doesn’t come off, then keep rubbing and try again.
To the guy who suggested toothpaste, I owe you a beer. Seriously! It did take me far longer to get my drunkenly fixed, super glue covered lens fixed, but it worked well! It took me so far, two hours and about 15, 10 minute buffs and rinses, but I can now see enough to drive without one eye closed. I still have at least another hour of doing this to get every speck of glue off, but I’m more than happy with the results. You rock! Why this fix isn’t on any page besides comments is over my head. For plastic eyeglasses this should be the first way to get it done. I’m also pretty sure the toothpaste buffed out my scratches along the way.
I used toothpaste and it worked great. When you apply the toothpaste, use your fingernail and gently scrape the lenses; it will probably take a few tries, but you can get it removed no problem. It may take multiple tries, but you can remove it.
Toothpaste didn’t work. Acetone worked perfect.
Toothpaste works…it could take multiple tries over 10-15 minutes. You have to be persistent…use Q-tips so you do not scratch the lens.
Toothpaste worked perfectly.
Yes, the Crest toothpaste saved my Oakley prescription sunglass lenses. Thank you!
Hot water and a Mr. Clean eraser. That’s it. Scrub like dishes.
Toothpaste worked just after 30 or 40 seconds. Thanks! 🙂
Cracked my eyeglass frame this morning and in the process of gluing it together, I got glue on one of the plastic lenses! Panicked big time! Read all posts here. Tried the toothpaste and it worked for me. Had Sensodyne and rubbed it on with a Q-tip. With the Q-tip, you can feel the grittiness of the glue more than with a finger. Had to do it several times, but it worked.
Mine was really old super glue on my plastic lenses; been there for ages. Used a white vinegar, aftershave, and toothpaste mix. Most of the glue is gone, but there are small scratches around the area. Only used my fingernail as the abrasive. Just means lenses are crap I guess. In hindsight, mineral turpentine used quickly and fully, washed off quickly too, would’ve been best.
I used toothpaste & hot water. Rubbed it in using an ear bud & now my glasses are completely clean. Thanks once again; your a star…
I broke my glasses; tried super glue gel to fix them and got the glue on my lens – read this post, used the toothpaste; it took a couple of tries, but the glue came right off!!! YEAH!!!!! Thank you!
The toothpaste actually does work.
Toothpaste worked. Scrubbed it with a Q-tip.
Toothpaste is working and totally removed hard glue away from my eye-wear plastic lens.
I used Colgate with baking soda and peroxide, and rubbed it for around 5 minutes, then I let it sit in hot water; removed most of the glue, but it needs a round 2.
Toothpaste works fine!
My brand of toothpaste is Colgate Optic White; I put on a thick coating and rubbed for 20 seconds. Then, washed the lens with dish soap and water.
Lenses are fairly expensive plastic. The superglue was Duro brand and was smeared over 10% of the lens. The glasses were basically ruined, but now they’re back to normal clear view!
You have to use a non-abrasive toothpaste.
Toothpaste worked! Nothing else was working so I decided to try toothpaste and it worked with just one application.
Toothpaste, then acetone worked!
Arm & Hammer toothpaste worked well, which was great…
Not so great was the Eucryl toothpolish that I thought I’d try on it. The glue shifted, but the lens got scoured. Good job it was an old pair of glasses!
Mixing baby oil and hand sanitizer works. Rub with your fingers, then dry with towel or cloth. It will take a few tries, but it’s amazing.
Nothing worked. Not acetone. Not toothpaste. I suggest just buying more glasses.
Tried acetone, tried toothpaste. What really worked well was Goof Off.
White Colgate toothpaste worked perfectly for me on my Oakley prescription lenses!
Thanks Shaun.
Tried toothpaste; it wasn’t the grainy stuff, so it took longer. However, it worked.
Toothpaste does not work.
I just used Colgate Toothpaste and Mr. Clean Scrubbing Pad and the super glue came completely off my plastic lense.
I fixed the handle on my niece’s glasses and rubbed super glue across the lens that spilled from my shirt…I used toothpaste and nail remover and it worked…I used the toothpaste several times first…rubbing and rinsing with water…then applied the remover…you have to make an effort…you can’t expect for it to disappear just because you place it on the lens or rub it once or twice…elbow grease goes along way!!!!
Toothpaste and Magic Eraser did the trick on a super glue smear I left on the lenses of an expensive pair of sunglasses after a little repair job. After reading all the posts, I used a small amount of Sensodyne toothpaste, rubbed for about 4 minutes, and then followed with the Magic Eraser, washed it off and some of it was gone. With renewed enthusiasm, I proceeded to repeat the process again…it took about three times and voila, it is gone!
Greatly appreciating Colgate, hot water, and toothpaste! Thanks for helping!
Mine has been there for weeks… Tried many things, but none work… Found this and tried Oral B toothpaste; it didn’t work… Wanted to give up, then saw nail polish remover… Tried it and the glue went off just instantly. Thanks to all that recommended it. #grateful
I was stuck in another state and broke my glasses. I tried to glue them and got the super glue all over the lense. I needed glasses to drive home, so I went to a local optical store and was told that super glue is not able to be removed; it is on there for good. My only option was to pay for an eye exam and get 1 hour glasses. So, believing the optical tech, I went ahead and did what they told me. I made an appointment and got new glasses. My eye exam was $90.00, then my glasses were $255.00. I made it back home and got the glasses out that had the glue on the lense. Just being curious, I took Colgate Toothpaste and a Mr. Clean Scrubbing Pad and put the toothpaste on the glue on the lense and then took the scrubbing pad and rubbed in circles for about 2 minutes. Then, washed the lense off and did the same process two more times. I then washed the lenses with Dawn Dish Soap and dried them with a very soft cloth and the glue is completely removed from the lenses. No scratches or anything. The lenses look perfect! Hopefully this will help someone in the future before they spend unnecessary money when the eye doctor says there is nothing that can be done.????
Nail polish remover is the perfect thing to use. ???????? I just put a bit of it on cotton and scrubbed it a bit and poof! It’s gone!!!
I have tried all remedies mentioned; hasn’t worked on my lenses, sorry to say.
Thanks for the nice guide. Toothpaste method works for me. Again, thank you.
From the number of comments it would seem that the spectacle frame industry is sadly amiss with making frames of strength for ordinary use. My “drama” occurred when I was trying to remove the lid from a previously used superglue tube only for it to evacuate over my desk top and onto my computer glasses at one side. I am just back from the optician where I ordered a new set before I searched for this site…bummer! I have tried the toothpaste method with some success, but still need to remove some globules remaining. Will try the nail polish remover and if the plastic lenses melt…so be it. If not, at least I have a spare pair.
You can use peroxide as well just be very careful with it; it will loosen the glue you put in the right places if your not.