The most important step in washing white clothes is to separate them from colored clothes. Fill the washer with the appropriate amount of water; add detergent, and color safe bleach. Place the clothes in and wash.
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Mark is the founder and lead content planner here at He spent 4 years as a professional carpet cleaner followed by a career providing professional cleaning services to businesses and residential homes.
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To help my white sheets stay white and smelling nice, I add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to the rinse water, then hang them out to dry.
You can also use borax instead of the more common washing powders. It can be found at the grocery store in the laundry aisle.
Don’t soak white socks in chlorine bleach before washing, the bleach will destroy the elastic and you will be left with stretched out socks.
Use a pre-wash spray on spots, but always check after washing to make sure the stain is gone as drying will set it – making it impossible to remove.
You can also try baking soda and vinegar for really white whites.
For clothes or socks that are totally white with no color, you might try “Iron Out.” It is a product that is sold for people who have hard water and can usually be found at the grocery or home improvement store.
You can also use white vinegar in the rinse cycle to take out dullness. The vinegar smell should go away as the clothes dry, but if not, just rinse again after the first vinegar rinse.
Believe it or not an infomercial product really works. For great looking whites, use ‘Oxi-Clean.’ Follow the directions on the package. I don’t use it on a regular basis, but once in awhile when my favorite shirt looks dull, I will use this product.
How do I clean yellow age spots from clothes?
Put 1 cup laundry detergent, 1 cup bleach, and 1 cup dish detergent (that does not foam up) in the washer set on medium water level. Let it premix. Then, turn the washer on high water level. Add clothes. This really works on grass stains also.
You can always use Dawn dish detergent for whiter, brighter clothes with a cup of bleach added to the waster before you add the clothes.
How much water?
A red piece of clothing accidentally got in with my whites in the washing machine. As a result, all my whites turned pink. How do I get my whites back to their original color? Thoughts, please?
I washed a red rug and a white rug together once and ended up with a red rug and a pink rug. I put the then-pink rug back through the washer with detergent and bleach as usual and voila: white rug. I guess the theory was that if the dye can so easily transfer onto the rug, it could just as easily lift off again. That worked for me. However, I always use cold water unless something needs a deep cleaning, so I don’t know if that had an effect on the dye setting, lifting, etc.
This is the article that you need; How to Fix Dye Transfer – see step number five.
How do I get body odor stains out of 91% polyester/9% spandex white running shirts?