Table of Contents:
Piercings require delicate care while they are healing. Both the piercing site, as well as the jewelry, needs to be kept clean to avoid any irritation or infection. Following the steps below will help keep your new piercing clean and germ free. It is recommended that you clean a new piercing 2-3 times a day.
What You Will Need:
- Hand soap
- Sink
- Cotton ball
- Cotton swab
- Gauze
- Saline with NO ADDITIVES
- Sea salt
- Small Cup
The Cleaning Process:
- Begin by washing your hands thoroughly with the hand soap. Be sure all dirt is removed so it is not transferred to the pierced area.
- Fill the small cup with a small amount of the saline. You can make your own saline by mixing ¼ teaspoon plain sea salt (make sure there is no iodine added) with 1 cup warm water. Stir until it is dissolved.
- If your piercing is in a location that can be completely covered by the mouth of the cup, then fill the cup about half full and place it over the piercing to form suction.
- Let this sit for a few minutes if possible.
- If the piercing is not in a smooth place (and you cannot use the cup method above), simply dampen a cotton ball or cotton swab with the saline and gently apply the solution to the piercing.
- You will want to be sure to moisten the following:
- Entry holes
- Exit holes
- Inside edges of jewelry
- Outside edges of jewelry
- Let the solution set for a few minutes to loosen any hardened build-up and gently wipe it away.
- Dry the area with a clean gauze pad by patting it gently. Avoid rubbing as this will irritate the area and can be painful.
Additional Tips and Advice
- Follow all guidelines and instructions given at the time of your piercing. If the aftercare instructions differ from the instructions above, use the instructions you received.
- Avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, they are too harsh for these sensitive areas and can cause irritation.
- Avoid using lotions and cosmetics around piercing areas until they are healed.
- There are many germs on your hands, so avoid touching your piercing unless you are cleaning it.
- Keeping your body healthy will help the piercing to heal more rapidly.
Sometimes you forget that you need to clean your lip rings. After brushing my teeth, I use Crest mouthwash and I force it through the hole (even while the rings are still in). It’s a quick way to make the smell go away if you’re in a hurry.