Lynn asked: I have non-slip tile floors in my bathroom which seem impossible to get clean! I have tried the cleaning methods in the guide How to Clean Non-Slip Flooring to no avail. While it removed some of the grime, it still looks dirty. The tiles are not smooth, but have a gritty, matte type finish. I imagine the dirt is caught in around this finish. Any help is very welcome.
When you find that the usual methods of cleaning non-slip floor tile, detergent or a steam clean, are outmatched by your floor, it’s time to pull out the secret weapon. With very few exceptions, this simple trick should have your non-slip floors looking brand new. All you need are a couple of inexpensive ingredients and some elbow grease.
You Will Need:
- Long handled floor scrub brush
- Short bristled brush
- Bar Keepers Friend
- Water
- Broom
- Towels
Steps to Clean the Tiles:
- Clear the work area of all rugs, furniture, and other mobile obstructions. You may work in small sections, but for smaller floors such as bathrooms it may be easier to clean the whole floor at once. Sweep to remove any loose dirt or debris.
- Dampen the floor by pouring a small amount of water and moving it around with the long brush. You don’t want to flood the room, but make sure there’s enough to wet the surface.
- Sprinkle a generous coating of Bar Keepers Friend over the wet floor.
- Lightly brush the surface to ensure the Bar Keepers Friend is worked into the wet floor. Don’t scrub it yet.
- Allow the mixture to sit on the floor for 5-10 minutes, but do NOT let the floor dry.
- Begin to scrub the floor in earnest. It may be easier to start with the long brush, but for stubborn areas the short brush will be more effective. Add water if necessary.
- Fix stubborn spots by adding more Bar Keepers Friend powder to a WET floor.
- Once the floor is clean, or as needed, towel dry. If you notice a residue left on the floor, add more water, scrub gently to work the Bar Keepers Friend out of the tile, then towel dry.
Additional Tips and Advice
- Although Bar Keepers Friend has tested and been declared safe for use on floor tiles and grout, it’s always a good idea to spot test new products before use.
- To make cleanup easier, ensure the floor is wet before you add Bar Keepers Friend. The water will help keep it from seating in the texture of the tile.
Where can I buy Bar Keepers Friend? Can I get it in B&Q?
I don’t think that B&Q carries Bar Keepers Friend. If you can’t find it at your local stores, you might be able to buy it online through Amazon.
Can I remove the non-slip coating from ceramic tile flooring?
Is this product available in Australia? I have outdoor non-slip tiles akin to an emery board; impossible to clean with usual products.
I think Bar Keeper’s Friend is available in Australia. Here is their website:
I COMPLETELY disagree with the advice in this article. I just bought a non-slip tile floor and the woman who sold me the tiles cleaned the tile with tea tree oil and a cloth. That’s one thing you could try.
Secondly, I would NEVER use a scrubbing brush on anything; it is way too harsh. The best cleaning implement for bathrooms including shower and non-slip tile floor is a soft-bristled hearth brush. It is absolutely brilliant for cleaning most things, even your car, and it’s very, very fast. It gets into every little crevice and around all the sandy bits on a non-slip tile floor, fast, thoroughly and without doing any damage. Try it; you LOVE it.
I have just had non-slip tiles in my kitchen. I mopped it for the first time and there are mop bits all over it! Can anyone please tell me what I should use so this does not happen; feeling very disappointed right now.
It sounds like either your mop could either be getting shredded on the grout, or it is dissolving due to the cleaner. Sponge mops in particular tend to dissolve with the use of various cleaners, such as vinegar, and also can easily tear. Instead, use a scrub brush mop or a rope mop.
This info is not practical for a large floor in a business that needs cleaning twice a week. There has to be an easier, more practical solution. Seriously, I just want to keep the floor looking decent without scrubbing it every time. I mean scrubbing with a brush; it’s hard on the shoulders and/or knees.
What kind or type of material must I use to dry the floors because the cloth and the mop gets shredded and it’s so frustrating. Also, what type of polish must I use because my tiles look so dull? Please help. Thanks.
You need a mop that is a bristled scrub brush. A nylon one will be more durable than a natural straw one, but either should be fine. For the towels, you use a terry towel. They are often used for cleaning and are very durable. A pack of 60 can be purchased at Home Depot for about $20, so if you shred them, they can be easily replaced.
Wow wow wow, best product ever. My non-slip tiles have gone from very tired to brand new! I bought my first carton of Bar Keepers Friend from Amazon, then further ones from John Lewis’s to finish the job. I have never used such a miraculous product.
How can I give a good look to large matte finished floor areas in my house always? It is not practical to scrub it all the time.
Hi Soumia,
Unfortunately, most floors need to be cleaned at least once a week. Taking precautions to avoid getting the floor dirty can help, such as always wearing socks or house shoes (to prevent skin oils from getting on the floor) and always removing outdoor shoes at the front door. Other than that, the only ways to avoid cleaning the floor that we know of are to either hire someone to do it for you or get a floor scrubbing robot (iRobot Bravva, etc.). Good luck!