Katherine asked: How do I remove armpit stains (possibly old) out of sweaters that have to be dry cleaned. I have three sweaters that all have these sweat stains in the armpits. Is there any way to get rid of the stains at this point?
Methods to Remove the Stains
It’s your favorite sweater, and now it’s become victim to the nasty, yellow sweat stains in the armpits. If the fabric is delicate, such as wool or silk, it is best to leave it to the pros. Have the sweater professionally cleaned and have the cleaners remove the stain.
Other fabrics with yellow armpit stains can be cleaned with an enzyme digester stain remover, such as Kids ‘N’ Pets or Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover. These stain removers need to only be applied to the stains and often do not need to be rinsed off, which will keep the rest of the garment safe and dry. Follow the directions on the label of your selected cleaner. It may take several applications to remove all of the stains. You may want to wrap a thin fabric like cheesecloth over the vacuum hose to vacuum the area afterward to remove any residue from the cleaning solution.
Fabrics other than wool and silk that are dry clean only can also be gently washed and air dried if needed. If you want to tackle the stain yourself using regular methods, there are a variety of options available in our guide How to Remove Sweat Stains from Clothing. If the stains are black armpit stains rather than yellow, those are actually caused by deodorant, so use the guide How to Remove Deodorant Stains from Clothing instead. Always test a small area first to see how the fabric will react. If there are any adverse effects, do not continue.
Additional Tips and Advice
- For information on washing “dry clean only” clothing, see our guide How to Wash Dry Clean Only Clothing.
- To prevent future stains, try wearing a thin shirt underneath the sweater. This undershirt will absorb armpit moisture and help prevent staining.
- Underarm shields or sanitary napkins can also be used to prevent sweat from absorbing into the garment.
- 10,001 Hints & Tips for the Home by Reader’s Digest
- Don Aslett’s Stainbuster’s Bible by Don Aslett
- Amazing Kitchen Cures by Joey Green
I have a favorite light in color suit with sweat stains on the sleeve.
Dry cleaning did not move it. What can I do?
As long as the suit is not wool or silk, you can try using an enzyme digester like Kids ‘N’ Pets or Nature’s Miracle. They can be found on the pet aisle of most supermarkets. If that doesn’t work, try treating them with some of the methods used for regular clothing described in the guide How to Remove Sweat stains from Clothing. You can just treat the stains and then rinse the area by sponging with water as you would to rinse upholstery instead of washing the entire suit to rinse. Good luck!
I have a suit stained from dry cleaning and on the care label it was stated dry clean only. What do I do to clean off the runs stain that the dry clean has left on the suit?
It would be best to take the suit back to a dry cleaner and show them the stain so they can remove it. If that doesn’t work, you can try cleaning the area yourself. The best way to do this is to mix some mild soap like dish liquid in a bowl of water and agitate the water to make suds. Skim just the suds off the surface of the water with a cloth, trying to get as little water on the cloth as possible, then rub the suds into the stains. Wet a cloth with some plain water, wring it out so it is only damp, not dripping, then lightly brush the area with the cloth to rinse.
If that doesn’t work, you can always try simply washing the area as you would for any other cloth, or you can try using some white foam shaving cream or an upholstery foam. You can test any of the cleaning methods on a small hidden area of the suit first, such as an inside seam, to look for any adverse reaction. Good luck!
What if a garment IS silk and dry cleaning did not remove the stain?
Try some of the methods in the guide How to Remove Sweat Stains from Clothing. Just don’t use meat tenderizer; that will eat the silk along with the stain. Any of the other methods can be tested on a small hidden area first. Although it’s customary to dry clean silk, it can be carefully washed without harm. See the guide How to Wash Silk for more information. Good luck!