Thor asked, “How do I remove chalk from my clothes?”
Table of Contents:
After a day of enjoying sidewalk chalk or brushing up against a chalkboard, you will most likely discover chalk marks or dust on your clothing. Use the steps below to remove the chalk. Always test a cleaning solution for fabric on a small out-of-the-way area before attempting to clean the stain.
Removing Chalk from Fabrics
You Will Need:
- A vacuum
- White paper towels or cloths
- Rubbing alcohol
- Liquid detergent
- Fels-Naptha soap
Steps to Remove the Chalk:
- Shake the garment outside or use a vacuum attachment to pick up any chalk dust.¹ If the garment is delicate, consider wrapping a thin piece of fabric over the vacuum attachment.
- Place the stained area of the fabric, stain down on paper towels or cloth.¹
- Wet another paper towel or a cloth with rubbing alcohol and blot the stain from the back.¹
- Continue blotting, changing the cloth as needed.¹
- If the fabric is thick or padded, which does not allow you to clean the stain from the back, you can dab the rubbing alcohol directly on the stain.²
- Rinse and continue until the stain has been removed.¹
- Using liquid detergent, swab detergent into stain. Let sit for a few minutes.¹
- Fels-Naptha, a laundry bar soap, can be used instead of the liquid detergent, working into a lather.²
- Follow the laundry guidelines for your specific fabric.¹
Additional Tips and Advice
- If by chance your chalk is colored, you can use a bit of Smirnoff Vodka. Always test in an inconspicuous spot first. Swab the stain with the vodka, then launder according to your fabric guidelines.³
- If the chalk stain appears on a felt item, you might try the suggestions found here in How to Remove Chalk Marks from Pool Table Felt.
- Field Guide to Stains by Virginia Friedman, Melissa Wagner and Nancy Armstrong
- How the Queen Cleans Everything by Linda Cobb
- Joey Green’s Cleaning Magic
Thanks for the chalk removing steps!