David asked: How do I remove paint from indoor/outdoor carpeting? Home Depot didn’t put the lid tight on my paint can and I knocked it off onto some green indoor/outdoor carpeting. I used a bunch of turpentine to get most o fit off, but how can I lift off the rest of it? Any ideas?
Paint spilled on any carpeting is a real headache to remove. The fibers absorb the paint quickly and make it difficult to get it out. By scrubbing paint remover into the fibers, you will increase your chances of successful removal. Add some the extra cleaning power that a power washer provides and you’ll have that paint blown out of there in no time!
You Will Need:
- Paint remover
- Scrub brush
- Water
- Wet vac
- Power washer (optional)
Steps to Remove the Paint:
- Apply a generous amount of paint remover to the surface of the carpeting.
- Use a good scrub brush to work the paint remover into the fibers and loosen the paint.
- It is easiest to suction the loosened paint pieces away with a shop vac or wet vac.
- Repeat until the paint is removed.
- If the carpeting is outdoors, a power washer will make the job much easier. Be gentile though as you can damage your carpeting if you apply too much power.
- The pressure from the power washer will remove the paint with little effort.
Additional Tips and Ideas
- When selecting a paint remover, ensure that it is safe to use on the carpeting. Some removers may cause damage or discoloration. If you are unsure, test a small, discrete area first.
I spilled a whole gallon of white latex paint on the carpet in my entry way. I scraped most of the paint into a dust pan. And then put only water in my rug shampooer and just kept cleaning the spot with clear water until all the paint came out. I was amazed that there was no trace of the paint.