Deb asked: How do I clean a black toilet? I’m going to be the proud owner of a brand new black toilet. I want to make sure I take the best care of it. What is the best way to keep it clean? Can I use the bleach tabs that go in the tank?
A black toilet can offer a dramatic look to any bathroom, but keeping them clean can be problematic. Most water contains minerals, and the white deposits they leave are especially noticeable on a black surface. Additionally, dust shows readily, so to keep your black toilet looking its best you will need to follow these steps frequently.
You Will Need:
- The Works Toilet Bowl Cleaner, available at most supermarkets
- Toilet brush
- Gel-Gloss, available at hardware stores or online
- Clean, dry cloth
Steps to Clean the Toilet:
- Squirt The Works into the toilet bowl, making sure you get under the rim. This product quickly dissolves hard water and mineral stains that are more noticeable in black toilets.
- Wait a few moments, then scrub the bowl with a toilet brush.
- Flush away the cleaning product after scrubbing. If needed, repeat steps 1-3.
- Next, apply Gel-Gloss to exterior surfaces with a towel.
- Wait for it to dry to a haze.
- Buff to a polished shine.
- Repeat as needed to remove routine dust and bathroom messes.
Additional Tips and Advice
- Drop in bleach tablets aren’t recommended for use in tanks because they damage rubber parts -including seals, which may cause leakage. Regular cleanings with the above methods are best.
I’ve been reading about how to take hard water spots and rings out of my black toilet, but, where do I get the gel gloss and what is the name of it?
Thank You,
Gel-Gloss is the name of the product. It can be found online or at some major retailers, such as Walmart.
Are vinegar and baking soda safe to use on a black toilet and tub?
Yes, you should be able to safely use vinegar and baking soda on a black toilet. A toilet is usually made of either vitreous china or porcelain, both of which can tolerate those cleaners. However, it is always best to test a new cleaner on a small hidden area of a surface first just to be sure. You can also double check with your toilet manufacturer to be sure your toilet is either porcelain or vitreous china. Some toilets do have specialty coatings on them, such as the EverClean surface by American Standard, which may have special requirements.
Source: Home Depot – 2-piece High-Efficiency Dual Flush Elongated Toilet in Black
Source: American Standard – Features & Innovations
Our water is so bad all it takes is one flush and once the water dries it’s back to looking awful. Also, a white ring forms at the water line. Is there anything I can put in the tank to help? Also, you mentioned using Gel-gloss on the exterior. Would this help if used in the bowl as well?
You can try one of the ChemFree Toilet Cleaners that goes on the tank; it is intended for preventing hard water stains, but the reviews are mixed on Amazon as to whether it works or not. Another option is to get a home water softener that will soften all of your household water, which will clear up any problems you may be having in other areas as well (dishes, etc.).
Source: Amazon – ChemFree Toilet Cleaner
We are debating if it is worth the hassle to get a black toilet???
We think it would be dramatic and the interior designer has recommended it, but I just don’t want it to look bad (dust and water spots) once we have it. Your thoughts?
The main reason why water spots show on a black toilet is because it’s hard water. The best way to know how a black toilet would perform in your house is to test your water, however, even if you have hard water, there are steps you can take to soften the water so that it won’t leave residue, such as putting a water softening toilet cleaner cartridge in the tank or installing a home water softener. To test your water, get a dark colored hard surface item, such as a navy blue bowl or a black plastic container lid, put a little (teaspoon) of tap water on the item and let it dry, then see if there are any mineral deposits.
Dust is more difficult to eliminate. The easiest plan is to get a duster specifically for that bathroom and just swipe the toilet regularly (a washable duster would be best). You can also look into getting low-lint toilet paper or switch to using lint-free wipes instead. Good luck!