Susie asked: How do I clean lint off of black wool? My new black coat attracts every type of lint it comes near. I used lint rollers and pads, as well as a hand mitten by Woolite. When I go in different lightings, lint is still there. Any long lasting solution?
So you’ve purchased the classic wool coat, and have just discovered that you’ve purchased one high maintenance piece! The higher the wool content, the more likely that your coat will attract and hold onto every little piece of lint and hair that it comes in contact with. These items stick to the coat because there is static present. To remove the lint, we need to remove the static. Here’s how.
You Will Need:
- A garment brush or lint brush
- Anti-static spray (ex: Static Guard)
- Dryer Sheets
Steps to Keep the Lint Away:
- The best way to keep the static away is with anti-static spray. These are available at nearly every store that sells laundry items and is easy to apply.
- Remove the lint from the surface with garment brush or lint brush. It is best not to use a lint roller or tape as they can deposit adhesive on the surface, making lint more difficult to remove in the future.
- Spray the surface with the anti-static spray and allow it to dry. Reapply as needed to keep the static away.
- If there is no anti-static spray available, rub the surface of the coat with a dryer sheet. These are designed to remove static and will help in the short term.
Additional Tips and Advice
- The time that the static is kept away will depend largely on the type of coat and the level of use. Though some coats may need to be sprayed weekly, others may only require monthly sprays to keep the lint at bay.
- If you don’t have any anti-static spray, you can try using some hairspray. However, test it on a small hidden area of the coat first, such as an inside seam, to be sure it is safe.
- Hand washing is the best method to keep the static down. Although it can be difficult and time consuming, it is well worth the time and effort to keep your coat looking its best and minimize the amount of lint that accumulates. If hand washing isn’t an option, use the gentlest cycle on your washing machine and do not add any other items to the wash.
- Always air dry wool as the heat in a dryer can shrink it, and the agitation in a dryer can cause it to lint/pill.
- Though the above methods will greatly reduce the amount of lint, it may still be necessary to remove lint from time to time. Keep a lint brush handy (there’s even travel size ones that will fit inside of a purse or briefcase) for quick touch-ups.
To remove lint, I also used a hand held vacuum cleaner; I used a Dirt Devil. Patience, patience, patience.
I will take your advice and use the spray. Thank you!
Dryer sheets contain oil (which is why you should not use them to dry towels, as they coat the cotton fibers which may prohibit the maximum absorption of water). Rubbing dryer sheets on the wool clothing will leave that oil residue, which will disallow the static and thus repel the lint and animal fur! I also wonder if washing the wool with a shampoo like Pantene might also aid in this way. Pantene coats your hair with an oil so it seems that it would also work on a similar natural fiber like wool. I shall try. Do not use sticky lint rollers because those leave the stickiness upon the cloth, which then attracts more lint. Use a lint brush instead. Anti-static sprays sprayed upon the lint brush before using them will also aid you in your lint-free and fabulous journey of wool-wearing!
Chris says:
“Do not use sticky lint rollers because those leave the stickiness upon the cloth, which then attracts more lint. ”
Source? Otherwise it’s just your uninformed opinion.
Thanks everyone. I have just ordered and received a black coat, which I love and it fits perfectly. I really want to keep it, however, the lint sticks to it and it looks terrible. Does anyone recommend that I keep it and try the sprays and a lint brush? I’d like to try the latter, I just worry that it’s unsuccessful and I waste my money.
Thank you, Maureen
I’m having the same problem…I do have a Shop-Vac that I thought about using…it, along with the Static Guard…I’ve used my Shop-Vac on my car and home and all upholstered surfaces, and it works on them…
Can you put the coat in the dryer after washing it?
No, wool should always be air dried because the heat from the dryer can shrink it. In this case, it should especially be air dried because even on a cool dryer setting, the agitation can cause it to create lint/pill.
Thank you for your advice not to use a lint roller or tape on a wool coat. I had a coat that was picking up lint terribly, and I repeatedly used a lint roller. Unfortunately, before I realized why, the problem got much worse. Now I am using your advice (although I don’t yet have enough courage to wash it) and using a rubber lint brush and anti-static spray with good luck.