Eileen asked: How do I get the smell of sesame seed oil out of a tile floor? A bottle of sesame seed oil spilled on my pantry onto the tile floor. I cannot get the smell out, and it is so overwhelming! Help!
The key to removing the odor of sesame seed oil from tile is to get rid of the source of the smell. Unfortunately, oily spills are not the easiest to clean, especially if you’re dealing with unsealed tile. If you have an oily, greasy food spill and the odor won’t let you forget it, this method will take care of it. As a bonus, it’s safe to use in the kitchen.
You Will Need:
- Aldon Insta-Clean
- Clean rag
Steps to Remove the Stain:
- Before cleaning, ensure that the area is swept or wiped free of loose dirt or debris.
- Spray the oil spill with Aldon Insta-Clean.
- Use the rag to wipe the area clean and dry.
- Repeat if necessary until all of the oil residue is removed.
- Open the windows and allow the air to circulate through the room. This will help remove any lingering odors in the air.
Additional Tips and Advice
- Follow all label directions for safe use and storage.
- Aldon Insta-Clean works for all oil, grease or food stains. Once you remove the stain, the odor should dissipate. However, if there is little or no air circulation in the area it will take longer for the smell to go away. Consider setting up a fan to help ventilate where needed.
- Aldon Insta-Clean is formulated for use on all types of ceramic tile, clay, concrete brick, stone and all concrete surfaces. It may be used on either sealed or unsealed tile.
- If an oil spill occurs, a quick absorbent is talcum powder or corn starch. Simply pour it onto the spill and allow it to set while it absorbs the oil. Sweep the powder away with a broom and dispose of it. Use the method above to remove any remaining oily residue from the surface.
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