Lynette asked: How do I clean a vinyl window frame? I had a candle in the window. I had not placed anything under the candle. The green color from the candle is now on the window frame, and I can’t get it out. What can I use?
Vinyl window frames are largely maintenance free, but they’re not immune to stubborn stains. When you need more oomph than a simple soap and water clean can provide, many vinyl window manufacturers agree on this simple process which should be effective for removing inks and dyes.
You Will Need:
- Fantastik
- Washcloth
- Water
Steps to Remove the Stain:
- Spray Fantastik directly on the stain.
- Wait several moments.
- Scrub with a washcloth.
- Repeat as needed.
- Rinse by wiping with a damp washcloth.
Additional Tips and Advice
- If Fantastik doesn’t work, you can try WD-40, Soft Scrub, Bar Keepers Friend, or mineral spirits. If you use mineral spirits, be sure to rinse immediately and thoroughly to prevent damage to the vinyl.
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